Varf mixare verde 1:1 HP01
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- Proiectat pentru a fi folosit in principal pentru mixarea materialelor de amprenta.
- Raport de mixare: 1:1
- Dimensiuni: 88 x 8/6.3 mm.
- Punga cu 50 bucati.
Este compatibil pentru mixarea urmatoarelor materiale:
- Colténe: AFFINIS 50 heavy, PRESIDENT 75
- DENTSPLY: Aquasil Bite, Aquasil Ultra Mono RS, - Heavy RS
- DETAX: Detaseal hydroflow, glassbite, greenbite apple, - colour, monoprint supra
- DMG: Honigum Heavy, - Mono
- 3M Espe: Imprint Bite, Imprint II Garant Monophase, - Heavy
- Heraeus Kulzer: Flexitime Bite, - Heavy Tray, - Mono Phase, Memoreg 2, Memosil 2, P2 light, Provil novo C.D. 2 Mono
- Ivoclar Vivadent: Virtual Monophase, - Heavy
- Kettenbach: Futar, -D, -retard, Monopren transfer, Mucopren soft, Panasil contact two in one light, - initial contact regular
- M+W: Sioplast BS, -x-hart
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